12PM Every Sunday – Sunday Feast Program

Join us at New Talavana every Sunday for our Sunday Feast Program 11 – Kirtan 12 – Arti 12.30-1.30 – Class and Announcements 1.30- Vegetarian Feast

5th July, 2024 – Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura Disappearance 2024

Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura Disappearance 2024 Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura (1838-1914), born Kedarnath Datta, was a pioneering spiritual leader, a magistrate working in colonial India under British rule, a prolific preacher, writer, and poet. In 1886, in recognition of his prolific theological, philosophical and literary contributions, the local Gaudiya Vaishnava community conferred upon Kedarnath Datta the honorific […]

17 Juuly, 2024 – Shayana Ekadashi

ISKCON Ekadashi rules are similar to Vaishnava Ekadashi rules. However, dates and Parana time are calculated based on Gaurabda Calendar rules mentioned in GCAL program mostly followed by all ISKCON temples. Some of points which are important to note that, Maha Dwadashi fasting prevails over Ekadashi fasting. Whenever, Ekadashi and Maha Dwadashi fasting are consecutive, ISKCON temples, rather observe fasting on Ekadashi day […]

April 1, 2023: Womens Retreat

  Learn more visit Blue Boy Herbs